Thursday, June 21, 2007

Photos finally!

Hi all,

After several computer gliches and an email home for help, we finally figured out how to attach photos!

We had a great day today- our team split into 2 groups. One group (Izzy, Lea and Kate) went to a school with Ladakh-Hilfe to see some kids who have various disabilities and who receive treatment twice per week from Ladakh-Hilfe. It was great to collaborate with the PTs and share ideas about communication, language development, sensory integration and positioning. We will continue to do some more collaoborating in some viallges around Leh and also after we return from our village visits with HEALTH Inc.
The second group (Deb, Tree and Lex) attended a historical meeting with Dr. Gulam, a GP in Leh, and some Onpos (traditional/spiritual healers) to discuss mental health issues. This is the first meeting ever of this kind as Onpos and allopathic practioners do not collaborate in Ladakh. They all shared their forms of healing which varied from being an oracle to Tibetan medicine to astronomy and astrology. We were able to share ideas about mental health in Canada. Deb gave an incredible presenation that was culturally sensitive and very well recieved by all. Dr. Gulam has now invited us to the hosipital to give a presentation to the doctors about mental health (after we return from villages).

Please enjoy the photos.
Talk again very soon,
the gang

p.s. we hope the photos are on but if not, we're in the middle of the Himalayas and will keep trying- at least we know how to do it now!

1 comment:

ron Harper said...

thanks for the photos, they came through great. Only knowing Lea could you identify the others in the group and others in the pictures? Also, when posting the photos could you indicate what we are looking at?(e.g. this is the view from..........looking north/s,w,e to.......). thnks again