Friday, July 4, 2008

Villages Trip 1- Part 1

Julley in July!

We are back from our first sojourn out to the remote villages and have lots to share with you. It was an interesting (and exhausting!) trip with amazing kids, incredible scenery and tonnes of learning.

Here are some pics and since there were so many good ones to share, we have to make a few separate posts.

Hope you are all having a great July so far,
Lex, Jen, Kate, Eileen and Aaron

p.s. We miss you Marcy!!!

Pic #1: Kate & Eileen upon completion of their workshop on special education for community health workers
Pic #2: Two of our fearless leaders- Dadul & Stanba on a tea break during the workshops in the Khaltse hospital
Pic #3: Our token pregnant guy, Aaron, being a good sport and helping Jen, Lex & Eileen out in their workshop on milestones and normal development. Drama is always a good thing here!
Pic #4: Eileen relaxing on her bed in the pediatric ward- where the girls stayed in the hosptial; we made the guys stay in the OBGYN ward! (Its a new hospital so no patients yet- don't worry- we weren't taking beds away from people ;)
Pic #5: Ladakhi dancing- the guys entertaining us at the hospital after hours!

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